We have been blessed at FCCC with a busy, creative, and wonderful Children’s Ministry full of dedicated, loving, and faithful volunteers. Every week gifted and talented staff members and volunteers prepare and then work hard at helping kids to learn about God and to make the right decisions in life. We want kids to not only know about Jesus, but to have a relationship with Him and to become committed followers of Christ their whole lives. Our staff members and volunteers are also committed to teaching children in fun and creative ways, giving them opportunities to get involved, scheduling fun and exciting events for them, and giving them opportunities to make friends in a nurturing environment.
In order to get the most out of the children’s ministry at FCCC, here are just three ways you can help:
#1. Bring your kids to Kids' Time Church on Sundays and to Wednesday night classes regularly and consistently. This will enable them to grow spiritually, make new friends, and to really receive the maximum blessing of our Children’s Ministries. The regular and consistent exposure to God’s word will impact their life.
#2. Bring them to special events and activities. The activities for children at FCCC are fun! Exciting! Something to look forward to! And in the midst of having fun, lives are changed and relationships are built.
#3. Talk to them about what they’ve learned at church. Your children will learn Bible truths taught on their level that they will really understand and be able to use in their lives. Ask them what they’ve learned and discuss it. This will reinforce the Bible truth learned and, when the opportunity arises to put the lesson into practice, lead the way in a positive and faith-filled way.