Called To Ministry

Sensing the call of God on your life to full-time ministry can be a challenging time. You have many questions. You’re not sure about certain things. You're excited about the future but at the same time a bit nervous. We’ve been there and understand.

  • If you feel called into full-time ministry but don’t know how to get there – we can help you.
  • If you know you need to study and prepare for the ministry but don’t
    know where to begin – we can help you.
  • If you want to be trained academically and have real hands-on ministry
    experience at the same time – we can help you.
  • If you’re not sure if your call from God is full-time or to serve God in a
    greater way at FCCC – we can help you.
  • If you feel called of God but are not sure to what area of ministry – we can help you.

There are different ministry tracks that you can take to be properly trained for the ministry and to become a credentialed minister. After learning about the different ways to accomplish your goals, we will help you to take the necessary steps to reach them.
To learn more and to begin the process contact the church office.

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